Beyond the Veil; Part Two

Sep 28, 2006 20:26

I've been debating doing yet another f-locked entry about my day but am still feeling really down so... I figured I wouldn't bother flooding you all again. But thanks to everyone who read, commented, and listened/councilled on all that happened. Here's hoping next Wednesday goes better, yes?

Second item on the agenda. There's a new fandom community in town known as the Fandom Psychiatrist (fandom_psych) where ALL fandoms are open for discussion involving fan behaviour, etc. The current hot topic? Plagarism in fanart and fanfic.

Finally, I bring you more veil!fic.

Title: Beyond the Veil - working title
Author: Melisus the Wee (melisus)
Genre: Supernatural Horror
Rating: PG 13 for frightening imagery
Character(s): Sirius Black and James Potter, with various other character appearances

Summary: Upon falling through the veil in the Department of Mysteries, Sirius' soul is ripped from his body. Reduced to little more than spirit, Sirius finds himself lost in the world beyond the dark veil: the Land of the Dead. With the help of his loyal spirit guide, James Potter, Sirius must pass through the darkest parts of this Netherworld to be reunited with his body and pass back into the realm of the Living. Based upon Dante's Inferno.

Chapter Summary: As Sirius and James set out to search for Sirius' physical body Lily intercepts the pair with rather unwanted news.

Disclaimer: The characters appearing in this fic are the sole property of J.K. Rowling. I'm just having a little fun with them right now.

Chapter Index

Beyond the Veil

Canto II

Now was the day departing, and the air,
Imbrown'd with shadows, from their toils releas'd
All animals on earth...
The Inferno, Canto II, Lines 1 - 3.

Sirius assumed the day must be getting on as he followed James through the trees. They had been walking for ages and Sirius was of the opinion that James was no better at leading the two of them around in circles as he was. In addition, Sirius was beginning to grow weary of his surroundings and was just about to suggest they give up when the line of trees abruptly ended.

“It’s about time,” said Sirius, moving to escape the confines of the trees. “But how did you know the way?”

James smiled. “The key is to believe you’ll find your way out. If you doubt, then you’ll spend the rest of time wandering around in there. Now come on, we’ve plenty of places to look for your body and no idea where to begin.”

Sirius found himself pulled from beneath the shadows of the trees and stood standing before a landscape he could only ever have imagined. Rolling dark hills shaped the landscape into a series of curves and bumps, over which ran the twisting rocky path beneath his feet. Trees as black as charcoal stood out, dotting the roadside with gnarled, twisted markers. Above Sirius’ head the sky stretched a dull rust colour. Sirius was at a loss for words. If this was the world encountered after death why would anyone embrace the end?

He turned to his companion. “James…?”

“A bit shocking isn’t it?” said James slowly. “But I wouldn’t worry. Not many linger here for very long…” Not many? Not many who? Or what? James was being oddly cryptic. “Come on, Sirius, we have plenty of space to cover and not all of it is going to be pleasant.”

Together they walked under the rusty sky, silent for an age as Sirius stared around him in all directions, taking in this strange sight. Once or twice he saw something small spring from beneath a rock and bound over a hill, but he could not see it well enough to identify the creature… if that’s what it was.

Slowly Sirius began to feel more accustomed to his surroundings and let his mind drift from amazement to more serious matters. For instance, how had he ended up so far from his body in those woods? And how had James known where he was? How had James even known he was here?

“Lily told me,” James replied once Sirius had found the proper words to ask. “She was watching and saw what had happened inside the Ministry.”

“She was watching?” repeated Sirius, confused.

“When people tell you your loved ones are looking down on you, they aren’t making it up,” explained James. “We really are. And Lily happened to be looking down on Harry at the right time to see your cousin send you through the veil. So I came looking for you.”

“How did you manage to find me so soon?” asked Sirius.

“I didn’t,” was the answer. “I’ve been looking for you probably for days… weeks even. But there’s no concept of time here. So it didn’t seem like a long time.”

“You mean I’ve been dead for weeks?!” cried Sirius. “If my body is around here somewhere it’s probably being picked apart by buzzards and maggots! Voldemort could have killed Harry! Dumbledore could have lost!”

“Calm down, Sirius,” coaxed James, putting a hand on the panicking man’s arm. “Your body will be fine as there’s no time here to age it. And I said it might be days or weeks but the truth is I really don’t know. We could have been walking here for a few seconds or a few centuries. There’s no way to know.”

“I don’t like this,” sighed Sirius. “I want to get back…”

“Being dead isn’t so bad,” admitted James. “At least, it isn’t where Lily and I are. Everything’s really nice and the sun is always shining.” He looked up at the sky. “The sky is always the proper colour too.”

“Then where are we if not there?” asked Sirius.

“The other part,” was all James would say.

This brought an end to their conversation for some time, as Sirius wondered over what James meant by being “the other part” of being dead. What else was there? What else could there be? Sirius had a sneaking suspicion of just what this other part might be but was unsure of whether or not he was willing to believe himself. All thoughts were brought to an end, however, as the two men noticed a figure approaching them from the summit of one of the nearby hills, making their way as quickly as they could to close the distance between them. Sirius took a step back, unsure of whether or not he was ready to meet anyone in this place, afraid of what they might be. James, on the other hand, began to walk faster towards the approaching figure.

As they grew closer, Sirius’ fears melted away at the recognition of who it was. Lily Potter was hurrying towards the pair, robes and red hair streaming behind her in an unseen wind.

“You found him!” she exclaimed as she stopped before James and Sirius. She smiled. “Sirius, it’s good to see you’re all right.”

“Lily, it’s so good to see you again,” whispered Sirius, catching the woman up in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry for what happened…”

“Now isn’t the time to be discussing that,” said Lily as Sirius let her go. “We need to get you back.”

“He needs to find his body, Lily,” said James, stepping into the conversation. “It could be anywhere.”

“It could be,” she replied, “but it isn’t. That’s why I came looking for you.” James blinked. “I found out where his body is and so I came to find you.”

Sirius’ face lit up. “You did? How? Where is it? Is it far?”

Lily frowned and she looked at James meaningfully. “It’s at the veil where he first came in.”

James’ eyes darkened. “I thought it might be… but I was rather hoping…”

“It’s best if you forget about trying to get to it,” warned Lily.

“Yes, but Harry…”

“You’ll never make it, James.”

“Part of me says I should at least try.”

“You don’t belong there.” That appeared to settle their small dispute and both Potters fell silent. Sirius looked between the two of them. Neither showed any sign of letting on any more information.

“Excuse me?” he tried tentatively. “James? Lily? I really do have to get back.”

“Sirius, you can’t,” replied Lily before James could interject. “Your body is lying at the foot of the dark veil you fell through. And that veil sits in a place where we don’t belong. Neither of us has ever been to it and neither of us will ever go. It’s too dangerous.”

“Dangerous? Sounds like an adventure to me!” Sirius beamed. Lily frowned.

“We have to get him back, Lily,” insisted James, “he’s right. Sirius doesn’t belong here yet. He has to go back.”

“You’re not allowed in there, James. You know that! You don’t belong there!”

“Which is why I’ll be fine. He won’t see us; I’ll make sure of it.” James smiled. “And everyone else will let me by.”

Lily did not appear to like the idea. Sirius wasn’t too sure why or what was going on but he did know that he agreed with James. He needed to go back. And he was willing to go alone if Lily didn’t want James accompanying him. But Lily only looked stricken when Sirius suggested this.

“You’ll get lost,” she said. James nodded. “I don’t like it but… if you must… be careful.” She looked at James sternly. “Don’t get caught or lost.”

James assured her they would both be fine but the sooner they went on, the better. Sighing in defeat, Lily stepped aside for James and Sirius to continue on their way. Relieved to finally be on his way back, Sirius followed James watching Lily’s waving figure disappearing into the distance. A nagging voice in the back of his head kept whispering that there was something bigger going on here: they were walking into some sort of danger, some place James had never been. Sirius knew James had warned him earlier that the veil was not a place anyone would be caught wandering in. But now, here they were, on their way towards it.

...And when he had onward mov'd,
I enter'd on the deep and woody way.

>>Canto III

james potter, harry potter, inferno, fic, writing, sirius black

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