Sep 19, 2006 15:13

Arrr. It's Talk Like A Pirate Day! (I practically forgot; and then I looked at cleolinda's journal. I wish I remembered, I'm sure it would amuse so many people)
So today's day at seas:
Ye History
Arrr. I slept many minutes. Talked about nothing.
Ye Boring Math
Slept again. And then I woke up...and Yutrakis didn't even notice I was even asleep. Haha.
Bah. Did more phrases.
God, David's cute. I *think* I like him. Gremmler is insane, we did SOLVE! SAVE! VOICE! stuff. Yep. David is still cute.
Public Speaking
Lame. I was all ready to do my presentation when someone went before me! IT'S UNFAIR. :( :( So now I have to go and do the same presentation someone already did.
Ate up at west wing with the insane gang. Everyone is so hilarious. ♥
Worked in our groups again! "Erect!" ROFLMAO. Seriously best joke ever. Mike Blatt is sooooo cute. *dies*
Took our test which was pretty easy. Then did a bubbles lab! Lol. :) That was pretty fun. ♥ Bryon (my lab partner) is so annoying though, argg. He's just as stupid as he was in the 6th grade. Oh well.

So you're probably wondering what all those strike throughs mean yes?
David Explanation: David is a junior in my Spanish class, he's the guy who sits to the left of me and is my partner when we do partner stuff. He's absolutely fucking sweet and rather funny. :) He's cute as well, in a tall, built, short haired way. He's so sweet. XD
And I cannot stop thinking about him, and it's not that it bothers me, it's just... I think I like him. And I really thought this out a bit because I promised myself only rational decisions with boys this year. I want to wait and see how things go on, he's a nice guy and I don't know a lot about him yet. However I have to say I'm totally loving all these sweet images of me and him kissing in the rain and then holding hands. It's making me nuts typing this.
So I'm waiting. I wonder if he likes me too? o__0
Mike Blatt Explanation: Mike Blatt and I go back to the 6th grade when he was cute then. And even cuter now. Of course after 6th grade we drifted apart a bit and then we didn't talk as much. We did the musicals together and everything together but he was with other people. He's a total great guy though, funny and sweet. Hehe. English is pretty amusing with him. The other thing is though I think about him too, I think about David more. And I think I have a wayyyyy better chance with David anyway because Mike has many people. So yeah. He's still cute though. Heh.

Arggg. It's almost 3:30 now! :( :( The day just keeps moving on! *sigh*
Other Stuff:
So House is on tonight! YAY! ♥ House rawks man.
I started the Kamio/An fic last night, it's far from finished or maybe it is, I'm still deciding how far I'll take it before I make them start doing more advanced things.. Lol.
Also the Fujicest fic is still not finished. WTF. It almost is.
And my "Truth Or Dare?" story is winding down, only two more chapters left to post! YAY! ♥
I still have a million episodes of Cowboy Bebop and Ouran to watch. WHAAAA.

I need to get off and do homework now. Later everyone.
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