XMFC Fic: Miracles Do Not, in Fact, Break the Laws of Nature

Aug 02, 2011 13:05

Title: Miracles Do Not, in Fact, Break the Laws of Nature
Rating: PG/FRT
Characters: Charles Xavier, Erik Lensherr
Warnings: Mention of murder
Disclaimer: I'm making no money, just a fan having fun.

Of course he'd tried to move silver and gold, early on. It never worked and he knew why. Still, the temptation to use the officers' own shiny buttons to drill cruel thoughts from their skulls was irresistible.

One drizzly day, a colleague of Schmidt's showed Erik his new uniform coat, fitted by a local tailor. He squealed tauntingly at Erik to move his glinting eagle buttons.

Erik panicked.

Schmidt laughed when the buttons popped free, riddled the man's piggish face with bloody holes. In the next breath, he ordered the tailor shot.

Counterfeiting the insignia of an officer is death.

xmfc, fanfic, erik, fic, drabble

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