Seven Deadly Sins Meme

Feb 17, 2011 18:37

Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet. (in no particular order)

1.) Pretty Toes and the Shoes to Show Them Off With
You know the kind where it looks like she either washes and lotions her feet several times a day or has a pet manicurist? I don't have that. Hell, I'd settle for toes I was willing to look at *myself*, nevermind showing to other people. Then I'd wear shoes like these:

and zoom around not stepping on anything icky. Yay wheels!

2.) Straight, White Teeth

Yeah, so not happening. Even if I won a gazillion dollars (Ha! No.) I'd be too chicken to spend that much time with a dentist.

3.) The Courage to Write More I dunno where one finds this. I'm writing a lot more "exercises" this year than I used to, and that helps because I don't fear sucking as much when I'm "practicing." But yanno. I would like to have more stories, and to be in that lovely mode where ideas and flow and word counts happen regularly. /sigh./

4.) A Job Since I am out of unemployment, and not eligible for significant financial aid until after I transfer to a University, I could really use a few hours' work per week. I am looking, but the long stretch of not-working-ness has made me wimpier about it than I used to be.

5.) A Thinkpad

My beloved Dell 700m will no longer talk to the internet, and is generally not such a healthy critter anymore. It's hard to justify a big purchase like a laptop, but at the same time, I do need a good computer to be successful at school. /shrugs/ At least the prices are coming down? I hear that the Thinkpads are extraordinarily hardy, and emmademarais is convinced I will never touch another touchpad, if I get my fingers on a trackpoint.

6.) A Pell Grant I need me some monies, man. Astute readers will notice that inherent in this coveted item is the idea of being accepted at a university; Yes please, I would like to stop being an eternal sophomore now.

7.) An iLimb

Ooooh...Aaaaaaah.... Actually, I would settle for a prosthetic that didn't fall off every time I stopped holding it on with my other hand or propping it against my wheelchair; but since we're talking things I covet? Oh yeah, baby. Check it out... Fully articulated fingers, electronic controls...the knitting alone would be epic. *wants*.

2011, disability, meme, real life, writing

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