Seven Deadly Sins Meme

Feb 13, 2011 16:20

Seven Deadly Sins Meme (stolen from browngirl)

Day 1: Pride - Seven great things about yourself.

1.) I am an eternal optimist. At my core I believe most people have good intentions and that things will work out all right, and that I can figure out a way to get what I want if I don't give up. This means I can often keep calm and carry on, keep trying to explain, keep plugging away, keep trying different methods - one of them will work. I just know it.

2.) I have a way with words. People seem to like the way I phrase things. :D

3.) I love to learn. There's always more to learn, more to understand, more to see, more to read - and as long as there is more, that part of me is happy and excited for every new day.

4.) I strive to have an open mind. Despite being taught very narrow values, I always knew in my heart that there's more to every story and that people deserve compassion even when they do things I don't like or don't believe in (see #1.) Because of this I can challenge my own assumptions and I can (usually) settle down and listen when someone else challenges them.

5.) I am loyal. I'm quick to leap to the protection and defense of my loved ones.

6.) I can go with the flow. I don't have a short fuse or a fussy approach to life. I try to be flexible and enjoy life as much as possible, especially when things don't go the way I expect. You never know when a wrong turn will lead to an amazing adventure!

7.) I am sometimes very brave. I am often terrified, but sometimes I screw my courage to the sticking place and plow ahead anyway. Parenting, driving, moving, going back to college, and writing all scare me silly, but I do them. This makes me proud.

2011, disability, life, meme, writing

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