Fic: Nothing Hurts Like Your Mouth: The Hungry Remix

Jun 23, 2009 12:10

Pairing/Characters: Don/Charlie
Rating: PG-13 FRT
Summary: Charlie's starving for Don to see him.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: S4 X 18 When Worlds Collide
Warnings: Incest
Note: This fic is a remix of
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numb3rs, remixthedrabble, don, n100, emmademarais, fic, charlie

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Post Script melissima June 23 2009, 19:17:33 UTC
Oh Boys! Tags for When Worlds Collide make me want to smish them flat and knock their heads together, simultaneously and repeatedly. (Same with the episode itself, actually.)

I was lucky enough to beta Emma's original version, and I was awed by her ability to capture so much emotion, so much of their lives, in one brief story. It was her structure and storytelling prowess that made this remix fly from my fingers in a matter of hours.

In the original, Don's need for Charlie is palpable, even though he doesn't admit it outright. His sharp loneliness and confusion after Charlie "betrays" him is painful and beautiful.

In my remix, I wanted to show that Don doesn't have his brother figured out quite as well as he thought, right from the beginning, and also to show that Charlie underestimates what he means to Don. I hope I did the story justice.

I'm so grateful to beta penguingal for many things: talking me down off the ceiling when I got assigned to remix WCSW emmademarais (oh. My. Gawd. I have to keep it a secret! Gah!), encouraging me every step of the ( ... )


Re: Post Script rubynye June 23 2009, 19:28:20 UTC
I was going to write some long involved comment about your utterly awesome depiction of Charlie's side of things ("angry prayer for connection", nngh) but your icon melted what little brain I have.


Re: Post Script 1trackmind June 23 2009, 19:33:14 UTC
("angry prayer for connection",

I loved that phrase, too!


Re: Post Script melissima June 23 2009, 20:16:32 UTC
Ooh, Thank you! That phrase was a muse gift in the first draft.


Re: Post Script melissima June 23 2009, 20:15:13 UTC
Hee thanks, the icon's one of my faves. It's snaggable, if you should ever find need of it.

I'm so happy you liked my depiction of Charlie's side! I am fascinated by the ways in which people misread each other and fail to actually communicate.

Thanks for reading! Maybe the long, thinky comment will come back to you later. ;-)


Re: Post Script emmademarais June 23 2009, 19:46:16 UTC

Yis plz to be using your supersekrit powers only for naughtiness good! Hehehe ( ... )


Re: Post Script melissima June 23 2009, 20:32:18 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I waited SO LONG to be able to squee about this with you! EEEEEEEE!!!!

pull a Megan and try to stuff the words back in my mouth too late. Not that I had anything bad to say, but I'm kind of embarrassed to have spoken so freely to you having no clue you were the author.

Favorite Megan Business EVAR! :D

I would feel awkward too, if the situation were reversed. That being said? You are always fair and accurate when evaluating fic. If I had missed the mark and you said so, I would have been sad, but it would have been okay. /Hugs/

The truly sad part is that he does - the failing is Don's for not allowing Charlie (read anyone) to see what really does affect him.

Yes! This is one big reason I chose this fic to remix - I wanted to highlight that misunderstanding between them, and how it's exacerbated by Don's compulsion to be self-contained and unaffected.

Now that I know you did two on time? Doubly proud. /grins/

/toasts you with sparkling apple cider/

Congratulations!Eeee! Thank you! The whole thing was very scary ( ... )


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