Nov 16, 2006 00:11
So I've been monster sick lately and it hasn't been getting any better. I thought you know it was a 24 hour stomach bug, but no, I'm STILL sick with it, whatever it is. I can't eat the WEIRDEST foods (pizza, anything potato related and white ice cream, for example)without getting sick. Someone said that maybe i had a food allergy that was just beginning to show itself now, but idk thats a little weird. So yeah thats been going on and then I've been so freaking tired lately and all I want to do is sleep all day long everyday. No amount of sleep is seriously enough for me. And so today i went and was waiting for this participant to come for my psych research/testing period today and he never showed, but Dr. Quinn and I talked for a little while and I told her how I didn't feel good and she told me that she could tell. She said I haven't looked like I've felt well for awhile... I'm glad SOMEBODY told me. so yeah. I went to the Metropolitan musuem of art on Saturday and it was cool... really big and i discovered that I'm not a big musuem person. On the way home from that i got brutually sick. it was horrible, it really was. We were on the bus back from NY and i was fine and all and I felt a little bit sick, but not bad. and then we stopped in Branford at a Mcdonalds and yeah lets say it wasn't a good experience. So then on the way back from there i fell asleep and i woke up to a wet cold hand n my pillow and it turns out i had fallen asleep with my soda in my hand and I had spilled it on myself and on Katie, my friend and roomie. So yeah i was like OMG. i had the clumsys soooo bad that night it was horrible. So yeah thats all thats really happened lately. I must admit i have a kind of boring life.