Another funny name

May 04, 2005 11:15

OK, so maybe I am childish when it comes to these things but I thought this was cry-worthy funny a minute ago. Slap me next time you see what you will...this shit was funny. I was entering this guys name in our important database and when it hit me how it would sound if said aloud, I was dying to tell someone about it.

Edward Dwake

Try saying it without sounding like a complete fucking idiot. Come on, try it! Seeeeeee! Say it five times fast without messing up. Hi my name is...

So far, to recap the funny names that have come across these eyes since I started here:

Dingler, Barry
Bumpass, Cedric
Facchina, Frederick
Butts, Gary
Tettey, Ama
Dwake, Edward

OK, back to work people. What is wrong with me?
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