Oct 01, 2008 21:47
Lately I've been looking for an outlet...a place to write about how much a hate my life at this moment or about how much a love it. It depends on the day. I love working at the library because it's awesome to be surrounded by books. I hate working at the library because it's monotonous and I can't stand my boss. I love working at Starbucks because I get to hang out with my friends and drink free coffee. I hate working at Starbucks because working more than 40 hours a week sucks my soul and it's quite possibly the most difficult job I've ever had for the least amount of many I've ever made.
In other news...I start working on my MA in December. Grad school will ROCK! I hear getting a Masters in Library Science is one of the easiest degrees you can ever earn. Which is good news because it means that I will be able to study for the LSAT so that when I take it in Oct of NEXT YEAR (!) I will be properly prepared. And yes it's wonderful that I got into grad school, but now I have to figure out how the hell I'm going to pay for it. I mean, the banks have no money and the House of Reps don't even want to bail them out so that I can get a LOAN to go back to school! And I'm terrified John McCain is going to get elected and then he's going to croak and then the evil, scary lady will take over the White House and condemn me to hell for writing this. And while she's condemning me to hell she'll be laughing about how she's going to take my little dog, too. Sarah Palin terrifies me. People keep saying that all the women are going to vote her and when they say this to me I wonder if I look like a man. Because as a woman I most certainly will not vote for a team with HER on it! Anyway...I digress. Paying for grad school...it's a scary thing. I hope I get an assistantship so that I can move to Tuscon and worry less about paying for school. (But if that doesn't happen I may be moving in with my sister and just picking up more hours at a new Sbux and quitting the library...because my current Sbux and the library are 45 minutes away from where my sister lives and living with my sister is way cheaper than staying with Robert and Stephen.)
Also...let's all pray that my brother-in-law gets the job that he's interviewing for tomorrow because if he doesn't he will be a sad shell of a man.
The End.
Just kidding...I realized it's been over a year since my last LJ entry...so LJ friends (there are LJ friends still out there, right?) an update:
My niece, Syd, was born in Sept 2007.
I quit Dillard's in Nov 2007.
I started working at the library in Nov 2007.
I also discontinued relations with boys in Dec 2007 after getting involved too quickly with a boy and then having that boy break my heart quite unexpectedly. I decided a break from boys was a good idea.
I became a vegetarian for 6 months in 2008.
I started working at Starbucks in Jan 2008.
I finally made more friends in Phoenix in Jan 2008 (thanks to Sbux).
Brian (Robert's b-friend) moved back to Florida in Jan 2008...Stephen (Robert's b-friend) officially moved in to our house in Sept 2008 even though he's basically been living here since Feb 2008. Robert moves fast.
I turned 25.
I bought tickets to the New Kids on the Block concert (which is in 2 weeks). I've wanted to see them in concert for 20 years and now it's finally going to happen. The coolest part...I get to see them with the person that started it all, my very cool sister, V.
I witnessed a miracle...I saw the birth of my little cousin Deacon in Sept 2008. Truly an amazing experience.
I talk to my Pgh friends less, but miss them even more.
I worked a lot the first few months of 2008 and the year flew by. Now it's almost over. Is it really October? I mean, seriously?!
Any questions?