
Jul 17, 2012 13:41

So last week, my computer completely quit on me, and I had to move to Pete's laptop. I hate working on laptops. But then on Sunday, the computer miraculously revived itself, and has been working pretty okay since then. Nevertheless, we bought a couple of 32 gig memory sticks (on sale for $19.99 this week at Office Max!), and I'm backing up EVERYTHING on to them.

In the meantime, with no computer to waste time at all day, I made myself some coasters.

I took my inspiration from here:

It took a couple of stops, at the hardware store for tiles (which are SUPER cheap. I think mine cost $0.16/each.), then at Michaels (with my 40% off coupon!) for Mod Podge and scrapbook paper, which happened to be on sale. I forgot the acrylic spray, which I regret, and I'll tell you why a little later. Oh, and I got a little packet of those round felt things that you put under chair legs. That was about $1 at the grocery store.

Then I cleared off a spot on the table, grabbed a sponge, and got to work.

Working with Mod Podge is pretty easy. This was my first time, and now I'm looking at everything in my apartment, wondering if it wouldn't look better with something pretty glued to it. (Sound familiar? I did the same thing with Chalkboard Paint.) Anyway, you just spread some glue on the tile, and put your paper down. I was using 4.25" tiles, so I cut 4" squares of paper. I made sure to smooth it out pretty well, so I wouldn't get any bubbles. Then I let it sit for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, I came back and painted a layer of Mod Podge, and let it sit for another 20 minutes. I kept doing this over and over, about 4-5 times.

When they were all dry, I flipped them over and put the little felt feet things on the bottom. You could also buy felt, which is super cheap, and cut little circles, then glue those to the bottom, but that's an extra step, what with the cutting and gluing, and I'm lazy. So I used the pre-cut feet. They work great. Then I let them sit overnight, and started using them for cold drinks. The directions say that it'll be a month before I should put hot drinks on them. I cheated, and did it early, but they were right. The heat from the drinks warms up the Mod Podge, and the coaster sticks to the bottom of the cup.

Actually, the coasters even stick to cold glasses, if they're heavy. This is why I wish I'd gotten the acrylic spray, it would have given them a hard finish, and they could be used for hot and cold drinks immediately.

So don't do what I did, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Be patient and finish the whole project.

They are pretty, though, and I still love them and use them all the time. Our couches have awesome wide wooden armrests on them, and we use them to perch drinks on all the time. Now they won't get water rings! I feel like such a grown up!

And I've also been thinking of other places I can use coasters - in my office at church (to protect my fantastic gigantic antique desk), under vases, as gifts for my sister, with the Seattle Seahawks logo on them, so she can use them for football parties...

So make coasters! They'll make you feel like you're a grown up.

pinterest; crafty, melissa is impatient, how to

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