I remember mentioning ages ago that we were moving this summer. And I know that some of you already know that we're currently on the road doing just that. But for those of you that don't, we're moving. Right now. I'm typing this at 12:37 a.m. from a hotel room in Minnesota. We've been driving for a few days so far, and should continue for a few more days. So far, I've seen corn in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Which, coincidentally, is every state we've driven through so far, except for Massachusetts. There could possibly be corn in Massachusetts, but it was dark, so I couldn't see any.
I was a little surprised today while we were driving through Wisconsin, that I didn't see hardly any cows. Corn, as I mentioned, was in abundance, but we saw a total of maybe 50 cows, and half of those were on trucks being transported to another location. Isn't Wisconsin the state where we should be seeing tons and tons of cows? I mean, the license plates do say that it's America's Dairyland. I think.
Speaking of which, we've been playing the license plate game. You know, where you try and find license plates from every state? We've gotten well over half so far. We even saw a Hawaii plate at a rest stop in New York.
Penny, our cat, is riding in the car with us. She gets curious in the mornings, and has sat on my lap a few times in the last couple of days. Not for long, and she's getting more and more irritated that I won't let her on the driver's side of the car. Around noon or so, she gets bored and sleeps in her kennel for the rest of the day. She also has taken to meowing to wake us up at 5:30 a.m. local time every morning, like clockwork. Unfortunately, that's about two hours before we actually want to be awake. We can't figure out exactly what she wants, so we mostly shush her, pet her, and go back to sleep.
Well, that might be all the current news that I can remember. And since the alarm on my cell phone will go off in less than 7 hours, I think it's time for bed. G'night!
ETA: Apparently, it was
mushmeister who
mentioned the moving. But I know I linked to it at some point.