My Mum!

May 12, 2008 17:36

For mothers day i decided that it would be nice not only to give my mum a present that i bought but a present that i created myself. So i wrote her a poem. I think the reason idecided to do this was because we have just had one of our close family friends die and she was such an amazing mother. She loved her three sons as equals which is so important and was such an inspiration to all around her. At her funeral i couldn't imagine what my lufe would be like without my mum and i realised that i need to show her everyday just how much i apprciate her!

My Mum

A selfless woman

Filled with love and compassion.

An angel sent from God to bring peace to the world.

Her strong faith and wisdom is an inspiration to all who are lucky enough to know her.

A woman who values her family and religion,

By actively living out the message of Jesus in her daily life.

She creates hope in times of despair,

Always embracing the positive elements of every bad situation.

Her humble and Christ like nature often intrigues and surprises those around her.

She is not a follower,

Rather a leader,

Who helps those blinded by the materialistic world to live with their two feet firmly on the ground by valuing their families like she does.

Her family is a credit to her strong will and her connection with her faith.

She loves and nurtures her family like no other mother,

Treating her three children as equals.

She has a strong relationship with her three treasures,

Constantly encouraging and supporting them through their triumphs and battles.

To me she is not just my mother but my best friend,

Who at times knows me better than I know myself.

She is my heart and soul,

My friend and companion,

who inspires me every minute of every day.

I hope that one day when I have my own children that I can be just like her.

I love you Mum

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