A template for no-salt-added salad dressing*

Oct 10, 2011 15:16

(* Not sodium free, but it has much less than most store-bought stuff.)

Start with a dressing shaker bottle. (anything with a lid will do, but having measurements marked off is nice.)

Add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice or your favorite vinegar to an almost-empty bottle of mustard. (Lime, cranberry or orange juice can also be good, although lime is often really strong. Orange will add sweetness. Shake to rinse off the inside of the mustard bottle, and pour the liquid into the dressing bottle.

Add double this amount of your favorite vegetable oil. Cap and shake.

You can use it just like this, but it'll be seriously tangy, Add sugar or honey to sweeten as wanted.

That's the base. For variety, add fresh or dried herbs (Ex, dill, thyme), garlic, or pepper or other spices. You can even get creative and add things like hot sauce or liquid smoke. I've made semi-creamy versions by adding a spoonful of mayo. Less healthy, but good.

The one I just made has plain yellow mustard, lemon juice, avocado oil and raspberry honey. One of my favorites uses dill mustard, lemon juice, minced garlic and olive oil, sometimes with honey or pepper added.


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