Another saturday at the shop...

Jul 22, 2006 08:03

well, the subeject (title) of this entry is true unfortunately lol
I am once again out at the shop for the morning before we head to the lake for a wonderful rainy week-end... Super!! I'm just reading books, journl entries, and facebook stuff... it's 8:05 and I'm doind anything and everything I can do to keep myself awake enough to answer the phone... it just rung so I can dose for at least another half hour... maybe more if I'm lucky... we'll I've been back to work for about 3 weeks now... yup.. we haven't worked for a full week yet. our first week we worked one day out of the week, 2nd week we had one day off and then just this week we had another day off; all this being after having 4 weeks off supposed to be 3 actually cuz the 4th was supposed to be our 1st week back to work but ended up only working a day. I was talking to my other boss... my boss' husband actually, about the carI'm driving this summer.. he had heard something from his mother, who is my grandfathers sister (yes KT it's still Woodstock, and I'm still related to everyone pretty much, haha)anyway they heard I had a big big scare in my car and that I was really upset and blah blah blah.. I think his mother has a tendancy to exagerate. anyway thre only part of the story he heard at first was that I was really upset, just so happened this big scare hapened on our last day of work in june before our 4 weeks off, anyway he only heard the part about me being really upset, and then he was like "why would missey be so upset, I mean, I know that we had to shut down the office for their part of the work but it was only 2 weeks.." PAUL CHECK A CALENDER ...two weeks my armpit
but then he heard the rest of the story and told me he was glad to find out I was okay...gee, thanks paul
So I did kind of have a scare in the summer car. I was taking mom's car from her to get myself to work too much so grampie is letting me use nannie's car... if you'd like to view a photographs of my new boat you can go to and search: 2000 Buick Lesabre (watch the spelling KT, haha)I banged up the very nice hubcaps cuz I was coming home from work and thought someone was on my side of the road when coming around a turn so I shimmied myself up against the side of the road not even thinking about how wide and low to the ground my car really is and banged up against the side walk... I did kind of hyperventalate once I got home and was tryng to tell mom about it, only because it startled me more then anything, mom thought it might of been a trigger from my accident in November.
so I've been going to the lake every weekend so far. unfortunately I've been sun deprived the last few times I'v ebeen down there. we usually go down and stay out all day sunday, get somewhat burned and then recover for the rest of the week in time to go back and do the same the following Sunday. I have not burned since Father's day... SINCE FATHER'S DAY!!!! I'm almost as pale as kit... lol I kidd. but I'm getting close haha. I kidd again.. we're going down again today and all I was is sun.. however, its sunny today a little bit and then raining all day tomorrow. :'( any other new news you ask?
well let me think, oh, Allison McLellan is my neighbor down at the lake and he came over to our camp and helped us start the barbecue on Canada Day cuz it was only mom and I down there so then after that we started hanging out so I have a Lake Buddy, which is kind of fun... although we've been hanging out quite a bit now so I'm thinking 'the talk' about wanting more than friends will be coming along any week-end now... I thought it was going to be last sunday but surprisingly somehow it wasn't.. he asked me to go to a bbq with him today but I don't think I will cuz it's going to rain at some point today but also, the only people I would know would be Allison, Kevin and Phalin and they'll all be drinking and the rest I won't know... it's one thing to go to a party with your own friends and be the only one not drinking cuz you can usualy find something to talk about or laugh at but it's completely different going to a party full of drunk people you've never met before and your not drinking... what would you talk about?... no seriously...I'm curious now haha
Kit I finally saw you last night at shoppers.. sorry I didn't call
I watched Kronk's New Groove last night... it was pretty good but not as good as I expected it to be... I had heard good ratings about it from people around here but I think I set the standards too high. normally I don't watch cartoon sequels cuz they ALWAYS suck but I gave this one a shot and sadly I was disappointed so I might have to go back to NOT watching cartoon sequels...
KT, I haven't heard from you in a few years either... WHATS NEW... do I hear wedding bells?I tease emily and murray about it quite a bit haha... I enjoy the reaction I get from Murray.. and yes they are still dating... one of these weekends tho I'm wondering if they'll come home with a diamond or house plans or just plain broken up ... maybe that's mean to think.. I'm not sure, I haven't decided yet
Theresa, how come your not looking forward to August? are you ready to start school? you chose McGill right? I can never remember ... sorry, I suck haha
Kaitlyn, wher ehave you been, do you still exist. I read your entries but never really know how to take them... you seem unhappy for most of the time.. are okay down there or do you need some Canadian spirit? I can look into it... see what mom says... I want a vacation somewhere... when do you go back to school?
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