I'm more than halfway to my donation goal! I'm so thankful to everyone who has helped me get this far. Please feel free to pass on this and my Avon Walk Site to your friends and family to help support this great cause. Some info for you....
http://www.avoncompany.com/women/avoncrusade/faq/index.html What is the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade?
The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade is a global philanthropic and cause marketing initiative of Avon Products, Inc. and the Avon Foundation. First created in the UK in 1992, the Crusade launched in the US in 1993 and Avon now supports breast cancer programs in 50 countries worldwide. The mission of the Avon Crusade is funding advancing access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer, with a focus on medically underserved populations. Funds are awarded for medical research; access to treatment; support services; screening and diagnostics; and education and awareness. Beneficiaries range from leading cancer centers to non-profit community based breast health programs. Through 2004 the Avon Crusade has raised and awarded more than $350 million worldwide.
Where does the money go? What programs does the Crusade fund?
Avon has implemented a sophisticated and comprehensive need-based philanthropic strategy that addresses five key areas of the disease: medical research, access to treatment, support services, screening and diagnosis, and education and awareness. Recognizing the complexity of the problem of breast cancer among all groups of women, Avon is distinguishing itself from other corporate donors that fund a single institution or scientific investigator by supporting a virtual national network of research, medical, social service and community-based organizations, each of which is making a unique contribution to helping patients or advancing breast cancer research.
How much of the proceeds are actually returned to the cause?
In 2004 the consolidated net return of all Avon Foundation fundraising programs was 71%. This exceeds the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance guidelines -- see
Why are participants of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer obligated to raise $1,800 prior to the event?
The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer events are dedicated to raising significant funds for the breast cancer cause. All registered walkers commit to the training and the fundraising that this extraordinary event entails. Upon registration, walkers receive a packet that provides them with information about the event, as well as tips on how to participate successfully. This includes nutritional, training and fundraising guidance and counseling and other mailings. Each walker is also assigned a Walker Buddy to help in training and fundraising.
We strongly encourage walkers to take full advantage of the comprehensive support offered by the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer team for training and fundraising.
For those who do not wish to fundraise or cannot walk, there are other ways to participate in an Avon Walk for Breast Cancer event. They can support another walker or "crew" or volunteer. For more information, visit www.avonwalk.org.
What is Avon's policy on animal testing?
As of November 1, 2001, the official policy of the Avon Foundation is that no Avon Breast Cancer Crusade funds will be used to support breast cancer research projects involving the use of animals. This followed the announcement of the first Avon Foundation funding for research in fall 1999, and the first awards for biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatment and cure of breast cancer in spring 2000.
In addition, we are proud that, in 1989, Avon Products, Inc. became the first major cosmetics company to end all animal testing for its products and ingredients. Avon continues to adhere to this policy.
Keep visiting my walk page at
http://walk.avonfoundation.org/site/TR?px=2265100&fl=en_US&s_tafId=55187&pg=personal&fr_id=1170 and please pass on word of this great event to friends and family. My many thanks!