Feb 06, 2009 18:55
Have you ever been with anyone and thought "this is the person I want to be with forever"? yes. still think that.
Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? yup.
If someone is doing something that upsets you, do you tell them? hell yes...if they're important to me and I think they would want to do something about it.
What's irritating you right now? hunger pangs.
You're happy about? my latest gift idea.
How many friends do you have on myspace? don't have myspace.
Does anyone completely understand you? yes
Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile? smile, yes. laugh, no.
Meet anyone new this year? yes...i'd say i meet new people all the time.
Who was the last person you took a photo with? randomly...amber from work.
Do you have a reason to smile right now? we all do. always. may not want to, may not always be easy but that's not what the question asked.
Marriage in your future? dunno. we shall see.
Are you afraid of commitment? i'm really not afraid of much, but definately not commitment.
What are you doing? pretending to work.
What does it mean when you bite your lip? that there is skin on my lip that is bothering me.
Who was the last person you cuddled with? does putting my feet on jessica for warmth count? ;)
Who was the last person that you insulted? whoever I was talking to at my bank.
Does it snow where you live? not since 1985 (thanks for the weather history info jak!) it freezes yearly though.
Do you know anyone that has been in rehab? yes.
Do you have a strong relationship with your parents? with my mom absolutely
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? always. even if it doesn't work out i'm sure it taught a thing or two.
When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? end of last year.
Are you a bad influence? You could definately construe it that way on occasion, yes.
Have you ever kissed someone that was high? yes, often in certain relationships.
Are you missing someone? yeah
Have you ever broken someone's heart? don't think I broke any, that implies permanence in a way I don't think I've ever been responsible for.
Has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? not in those words, but something like that.
What do you carry with you at all times? i.d., the credit for that goes to asc.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? no.
Has anyone got on your nerves lately? YES.