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Nov 15, 2009 16:19

It's been over 2 months, I owe an update.

After disappointing job the previous, I went on to curate one art show, participate in another art show, took over set design tasks for Dr. Sketchy's NYC and we started the first of what should hopefully be many Blood Dumpster Art Critiques.

The point of the art critiques is to bring artists out of the studio and their heads and into a space where they can talk about their projects & get constructive crits on their work. It's based on the idea that as we become more "professionals" we miss out on the ideas that help us grow and instead fall stagnant. It's not meant to be like college crits, where everyone just wants to talk about their own pieces or feels bored or obligated to show up. We're also opening it up to public viewing so that non-artists can see and learn more about the processes of working artists.

We had one that went beautifully and are trying to set up more for the future.

My curated art show was swell, though with a small turn out thanks to the horrible rain & the fact that everything was happening in the city that same night. But it was beautiful and up for two weeks and that's what mattered.

Second art show was curated by Rebecca Memoli and I got to create the second in a new series of works that has been getting some great reception. I'm hoping to continue along this fine art path and see what comes of it.

Otherwise, I'm bouncing always between illustration and graphic design freelance jobs. My first iPhone user interface job seems to be wrapping up and hopefully will be released for 2010. It has the potential to be big, so we'll see what comes of it.

I also got my very first iPhone. It's true love, yes indeedy. Been downloading tons of apps to make myself more efficient and learning the interface so I can create more apps in the future better. Joy and bliss!

The year is nearly wrapped up and it's a matter of trying to finish all the open projects and figure out what's in store for 2010. Hopefully more art shows, helping to build Dr. Sketchy's up and up and nights that involves this:

Fuck yea.
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