(no subject)

Mar 26, 2008 00:57

Well, in better news, this past Saturday I had a photo shoot in my house to obtain the best reference for my next painting.

It's based off a Nikola Gogol story. The shoot was pure Russian absurdity.

The pictures came out wonderful thanks to my photographer friend Becky, and now... I have to paint the damn thing.

Some days I wish I was a photographer.

Tomorrow I go in search of a relatively cheap printer to print me an 11x14" b/w copy of the image and one in full color. Also, I shall continue to lovingly prepare my canvas. I've already put an obscene amount of gesso onto it, sanded it many many times and applied a soft avocado green tint to it. Of course, this was because I was mixing colors under a dim, yellow light and so now I need to mix up a warm, yellow glaze to get it to be the real green it's supposed to be.

The more you know...

The show is May 10th at the Behr-Thyssen gallery in Tribeca. The opening will be sometime in the evening - to be decided sometime at the end of this week. It will be up for two weeks and we're trying to get a really big press buzz behind it. The more folks we bring into the gallery, the better chances we have of putting on more shows in the space. Also, the better chance that we can get into bigger galleries and put on more shows. So we have quite a bit riding on the success of this show. Everyone should come and visit it for this reason. If you're not feeling the effects of the impending recession (or are we in one already? I don't read the news), you should come and buy an art. There will be plenty to fawn over.
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