
Mar 06, 2009 14:46

I think I am better off avoiding LiveJournal altogether, for a while.  I'm thinking a month or so.  I'm not sure.

I find myself feeling guilty for not keeping up with my friend's journals. Or reading through them quickly, but not fully digesting them or commenting on them.  Or getting so far behind that I get overwhelmed at the prospect of catching up.

And I find myself not wanting to post if I haven't read my friends list.  Because I'm afraid it would be selfish to put my thoughts out there without first reading what my friends have to say.  And the same goes for responding to comments on my own journal.  Do I respond to comments first, post first, or read the FL first?

I honestly don't know what the protocol is on LJ.   The rules are sort of fuzzy here in computer land, just as they are in real life.  And I just end up feeling guilty and overwhelmed.  I have so little time on the computer now and what time I do spend here should be on my Career Step studies.  I want to graduate and make money, not be popular on a social site, right?  But what I really want to do and what I should be doing are two different things.

And honestly, what's the point of turning my beloved LJ into a task?  Another thing on my to-do list that I have to check off?  Another source of stress and guilt?  It's supposed to be an outlet, not a burden.  And I'm supposed to relish my friendships, both online and offline, not resent the time they consume.

So rather than continuing to go about everything half-assed, I think I am better off just taking a break from LJ.  I'll still pop on Facebook from time to time, just because it's so convenient and quick.  I love knowing all of you and keeping up with your lives and I just feel like I'm not doing a very good job of it right now.  I need to concentrate on my own life right now and come back when I've got it all together again.  I  I may do comment-disabled posts from time to time, just so people don't feel obligated to read.

Thanks and I hope to see you all again soon!

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