(no subject)

Jun 12, 2004 22:05

OK, here's me updating my journal!!

I went out tonight with my friend Kim and her husband to this place called the Texas Roadhouse Grill. Peanut shells on the floor and young girls line dancing by the tables. (Line dancing is so not cool to REAL cowboys, by the way) I had the most tender steak ever! It was so good...minus the line dancing. I leave Sunday for Chicago. I'll be there for three weeks. I am just going to be observing the senior installers/trainers. Kind of a on-the-job-training kind of thing. I am very excited!

My mom and dad went to North Dakota to see my grandma, she fell and is in the hospital. I think they are going to try and put her in a nursing home. I try not to think about it too much...it makes me really sad.

I am very happy to say that my old job/department is falling apart now that I'm gone...that happened the last time I left a job. Maybe people should appreciate me while I'm there!!
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