Feb 09, 2004 16:33
meme from aksarah
Name 4 things you have done today:
- scheduled commercials
- ate mongolian
- made a pee pee
- conversed with co-workers
Name 4 things you are thinking about right now:
- buying groceries
- left over fried rice
- I miss my sister
- should go home
Name 4 scents you love:
- vanilla
- homemade tacos
- my mom's robe
- Dorito's
Name 4 things you'd never wear:
- bikini
- daisy dukes
- tube top
- thong--the underwear
Name the last 4 things you have bought:
- Diet Coke
- dessert and french bread for supper on Saturday
- pizza for lunch on Friday
- cough syrup
Name 4 things drinks you regularly drink:
- Diet Coke
- water
- Grape Gatorade
- Vodka
Name 4 bands/groups most people don't know you like:
- Outkast
- Pink
- Prince
- Don Williams
Name 4 bad habits you have:
- Being a picky eater
- not exercising
- watching too much tv
- not doing dishes on a daily basis
Name 4 things you wish you had:
- house
- puppy
- boyfiend/sex
- better salary
Name 4 people who know you best:
- Sister
- Kecia
- SK-the only person in NY who KNOWS me!
- Mom