Feb 07, 2007 11:01
so i am starting a blog, i just got a new computer and a cable modem so i feel i should be doing all i can with it. so now i shall blab about what is going on with me. well i received some child support from my daughter's father so i feel like i won the lotto. payments are few and far between so this in itself is reason to celebrate. that is where my new computer comes in. i have not had a new computer since '99 and it shit the bed on me so i went to office max and got a computer with my recent winnings. other than that not a lot going on up in the tundra i call home. it is cold as shit outside. we had girl scouts last monday and we made valentines so that was fun. i am a co-leader for my daughter's brownie troop. my son is getting into everything. he is crawling at the speed of light and is putting everything in his mouth. he has already pulled an end table down on himself. but he is tough. he is loving the baby einstein already, or as we like to call it baby crack. it is amazing how sucked in he gets. well that is all i got for now. thanks for listening