i am still slow at posting new entries even with my lovely new computer. sorry bout that. it has been pretty busy around here. between the kids and work and girl scouts it seems like there is always something going on. just last sunday lisa and I took our girl scout troop on an ice skating event. i don't know why i thought after so many years that was the time to get back on the ice and try to help little girls ice skate. it was the blind leading the blind on the ice. although i did not fall so i was proud of that. for the first half hour i had to hold on to the wall. luckily jeremy came cuz he actually can skate and he tried to teach izzy but kids don't listen anyway. but the good news is we all left in one piece and no major injuries or blood and all the girls had a good time. my feet did feel the burn after. i also darkened my hair again the other day. it is now a dark reddish brown. last friday a bunch of my girlfriends and I had a girls night out at the bar. of course it was a day after the major snow storm and we were just about the only ones in the bar but we still had fun. sarah was illin' the next day, i was good with only a slight headache which faded early. i have the day off from the old people today so i plan on maybe starting some spring cleaning and highlighting my hair. malcolm is watching some baby einstein in his jumperoo. he gets all crazy in it. it is pretty cute. jeremy has been going to work early so he has been going to sleep early so no major excitement with him.
i am really ready for spring to hit. now that i have a fun backyard i really want to decorate it. ya know with gnomes and pinwheels and such. i can't wait. i also want to look into some sort of swing. we have a big birch tree in the corner of the yard that is screaming for a swing. i have so many big plans i just can't wait until the snow is gone.
in other news our aquatic turtles had a lord of the flies moment. the big one killed the little one. it was a sad state of affairs. the little one was so cute. also our cat is ready to give birth at any moment. if anyone wants a kitten let me now. and we are getting a puppy at the end of the month. a golden retriever. we are excited about that. we haven't told izzy yet cuz we want it to be a surprise.
i also i have recently began an addiction the the myspace. it is almost like your a peeping tom looking at people's pages and they don't know you are looking. kinda fun. it is always fun to go back and look up your high school classmates and see who is gay. (most of which i totally had bets on)fun stuff. i have some fun pics on there as well if you want to check it out it is
i guess signing up for myspace was my last hope of being young and hip. my 28th birthday is around the corner and that is just about 30 so i am hanging on. i better start watching more trl cuz i don't know any new artists. i am lame. on that note