Jan 28, 2012 01:13
when i was in my junior year of high school, a teacher suggested i read a book which had impacted his imagination in a very thrilling way, and shortly after i read the book did i find that it had, months before, been turned into a musical, a sensational drama of song and dance which painted a whole new view onto the whole new view which the book had already shown. i am, of course, talking about Wicked: The Life and Times of The Wicked Witch of the West.
after all these years since the first time i read Wicked, which i have perused multiple times hence, there has been three more books written and released, having now been titled The Wicked Years as a whole, and i have finally finished them. if you cannot tell, i was not completely pleased with the ending of the series, and overall, found the last book to be drawn out and overwrought with pontifications that reminded me of my failed attempt to read The Lord of the Rings. without giving anything away, i found myself unable to get past the parts, varied and close together in a way that was neither pleasant nor unexpected; i found myself at a loss, in the end, to the fact that there was so much to this final tome that was just puffery, and not very good filling at that. i still have much love for the series, and once this final book is in paperback, like the rest of my collection, i will purchase it, but i'm not sure how easy it will be to leaf through this as it is with the others. perhaps in time the words will become easier to swallow, but i shall not expect as much, for that would be too much to hope for.