Jul 02, 2010 06:42

found this floating around, thought it looked cool, so here goes...

you take whatever programme or mp3 player you've got, go to all songs, and put it on Shuffle, then put the songs down that come up.

Opening Credits: Go - Moby
Waking Up: Wake - Linkin Park
First Day of School: Freckles - Natasha Bedingfield
Falling in Love: When I Found You - Britney Spears
Fight Song: He Wasn’t There - Lily Allen
Breaking Up: crushcrushcrush - Paramore
Prom: Said I Loved You… But I Lied - Michael Bolton
Life is just… OK: Short Circuit - Daft Punk
Mental Breakdown: Hyper-ballad - Björk
Driving: Come Around Soon - Sara Bareilles
Flashback: (Love Will) Turn Back the Hands of Time - Grease 2
Getting Back Together: All My Loving - The Beatles
Birth of Child: Ain’t It Heavy - Melissa Etheridge
Wedding: Love Ridden - Fiona Apple
Final Battle: All Around Me - Savage Garden
Death Scene: Komm, süsser Tod - Neon Genesis Evangelion
Funeral Song: Seasons of Love - Rent
End Credits: "The Red Violin" Chaconne for Violin and Orchestra Suite

personally, the ones that came up were horrible, so i fiddled around, and used the best possible for that, cause i'm not into following meme rules every time. last time i followed the rules i looked like a dolt because half of it was from the same artist, which annoyed me. no artist is repeated on this, and considering i have whole discographies, i'm rather proud to say that.


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