Nov 04, 2008 18:59
I appreciate those of you who have asked polite questions, shown genuine curiosity, rather than visceral emotional responses, and have respected my right to have an opinion that differs from yours.
asked what is is that attracts me to Mcain. It is not so much that I am attracted to McCain as I am diametrically opposed to most of Obama's positions.
Here are a couple of my POVs. If you are on this f-list, I like you, but I'm awfully tired of being yelled at by people who object to the idea that I think Obama is bad for this country.
Some basic facts about me you might be interested in, that explain why I think the way I do.
I am a fiscal conservative.
I am pro defense spending. I am the daughter of a 30 year Navy veteran, and granddaughter and great granddughter twice over.
Two major issues that concern me:
*The economy- This is a time when we need plans that spur the growth of businesses, not inhibit them.
*Health-care- I think Universal health care is a bad idea, in the end believe that more people are going to end up with worse health-care under a government plan.
On Taxes:
*By raising taxes on corporations you reduce the ability of those companies and individuals to create jobs here in the US. The US already has the highest corporate taxes of any industrialized nation.
*This encourages companies to send jobs overseas.
*Punishing companies for succeeding eliminates any incentive for growth and productivity. This is true for both corporations and on a personal level.
Health-care: Why Universal health-care is a bad idea.
* In Canada, and other socialized health-care systems there are often absurdly long waits to see a specialist. For a neurosurgeon, up to 21 weeks. In some cases that would be a death sentence. My boss was interested in seeing a specialist who practices in Canada and New York. In Canada the wait was nearly a year, in New York it was a month.
*Health-care professionals are already underpaid and overworked. Under a socialized plan, doctors will be paid a flat government determined rate. Hospitals and private practices would be unable to set their own billing rates. If individuals are unable to go into a specialized field with the incentive of earning enough money to justify medical school expenses, fewer people will go through the rigors of medical training. The quality and number of physicians in America will be reduced.
*My father is Head of Clinical Medicine for a Hospital in Lemoore. As it is now with MediCal, he is unable to prescribe medications that he knows are necessary, because MediCal won’t pay for them. Based on the information I have, I firmly believe further government involvement in the health-care system will only make things worse.
Ultimately, I believe in small government and self reliance with opportunity for personal and economic gain. I do not believe the rest of the world is entitled to the fruits of my labor just to “make it fair”. I recognize that the Bush administration has not been, shall we say, a proponent of small government. In fact I realize that as far as government and economic growth are concerned, this administration has been terrible. However, I still think that the growth of government we have seen under this administration is nothing compared to what we will see under an Obama administration.
In my view, it is not the responsibility of the government to create jobs. It is the responsibility of the government to create an environment where private business can thrive and thus, create more jobs. I realize that other people feel differently. However, I think it is true that more power that is given to the government, the more the government can take away. The Constitution states “promote the common welfare”, not ensure, promote. The government was set up to work for the good of the people, but the founding fathers never intended the government to address, and see to every need of its citizens. It is an unfortunate reality, but prosperity cannot be legislated, it must be earned.
different perspective,