Title: Morocha
Pairing: Martín/Luciano (Argentina/Brazil)
Warnings: nsfw sexytimes
Word Count: 8000~
A/N: This would not exist without
sipmiau's help. Seriously. Also I left a few things in Spanish because they sound REALLY DUMB in English, trust me, but there are translation notes at the end. :Db
Summary: Tango AU, takes place in Buenos Aires sometime around
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The descriptions of Buenos Aires are fantastic, the... feel of the city, of the moment they were living, with the immigrants and the brothel and this whole hopeful fearful thing they had going on and the cruelty, that was amazingly well done. And so was the dancing - I've always wanted to see a fic about tango. And everything else. The way Martín's personality comes across through the dance in the first scene, and the mini-competition with Luci, everything flowed so well and it was so well done.
And his crush... omg. I loved everything. There were so many great lines there. Actually, all the times you talked about their feelings was like that - the thing about how Luci would never really fit it, and then when they talk about their families and missing home, and missing the cobblestone (it's exactly like that omg). And this:
And not just sex, but holding his hand without an excuse, kissing his tired eyelids, and hearing him snore under the covers beside him. All the little things that two people in love might do with each other to pass a lifetime.
THIS KILLED ME it's so, so beautiful and romantic TT
And then Martín's argentinean dramatic suffering and the song and Luci getting it all wrong aaaaah so perfect, and so them. And I loved the sex. I loved the marriage proposal. And the reference to polenta (and I don't even like polenta). I just. GAH. This fic killed me and I'll read it a million times.
Hehehe yes, I'm such a sucker for sappy romance, and it really shows in this fic. xD
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