Feb 10, 2003 00:56
I got a chance to go out!
My leg still hurts, but not nearly as bad as it has been the past few days. It literally took Mommy and I three hours to do stuff. Of course, making a bunch of stops along the way. I can walk, just very slowly. *sigh* Thank god the bus came, or I would have died. I went to Party City and got all the decorations and party favors done. It was neat! I got some really cute stuff and I'm really happy about it. They had these really cute party favors.. they were picture frames and it's blue, but they ran out. :( So, I got the next cutest thing. heh. I hope everyone likes them. :D I got wrapping paper and bows and all that good shit. *dances* I'm glad I got it done. I just gotta get a cake and I'm all good. I bought myself a new bag, too. *giggles* Oh, and a new shirt. I liked it so much, but the one I already have got too big for me. Yay for me! :) I stopped at my job too, I had to pick my check and schedule for next week. The girl who is preggers at my job invited me to her baby shower. I felt so special! haha. I really like her, she's a good kid. I'll more than likely go.. well, if I'm not working. I probably wont be. OH! So, I went into Hallmark to pick up a baby book for Jen, some wrapping baby, and Valentine's stuff for Brian and the girl who works there is about a year younger than me. We went to Jr. High and H.S. together, she says: "Hey, you're in here a lot, do you need a job?" So I say, "Sure, I could use another job." So she said they were looking for full and part time people, and she handed me an application. How neat! I know it's not a big time "real job", but it's something else to hold me over until I get something real. Well, hopefully. I'll drop it off tomorrow, or Tuesday. We'll see. I wont get my hopes up. I don't get my hopes up about anything anymore. hehe. Oh well, anyway, I'm gonna get going. I'm sleepy and my back hurts. *sigh* It never gets easier. Bye ya'll. :)