You Know Damn Well She Wants To Feel This High..

Jan 31, 2003 01:21


The doctor tried to kill me! *sobs* I took it like I man! Just like I would if I took it up the ass, BILL!! :P hahaha. Anyway, so I went to the doctor and everything is fine. Well, sort of. She took blood to see how everything is working with the birth control. I hate giving blood! I'm such a wuss when it comes to those things. She changed my pills to something stronger since the other ones were kinda light and not working as well as we hoped. Anyway, I still have the same problem with my ovaries and she said that there is only a 20% chance I could actually have kids. Plus, my system is all screwed up and the only way to fix this is to have surgery. It's not life threatening or anything, it'll just make life a bit easier. And since I want to have kids eventually, it's going to have to be an option for the future. It's a minor thing.. or at least she says it is. *shrug* She told me to get a second opinion. I thought that was nice of her. heh. *shrugs* We'll see. I just thought I'd let people know what's going down. I'm alright, though. :) Just kind of an annoying situation, ya know? Anyway, I also worked tonight. It was a nice, quick and easy four hours. Nothing really major happened. It was pretty boring, actually. Next week I have TEN HOURS! Crazy shit, huh? lol. I know, I know, I'm trying to get a real job. My dad might actually get me a job in the school where he and my mother work. First I have to go get fingerprinted. It's some weird Board of Ed. thing. *shrug* Hopefully it'll work out. *crosses fingers* On a bright note, I got some of the stuff I ordered online today. One of the shirts is SO cute! heh. I love getting new stuff. I wish the rest of my stuff would come that quickly. I love getting new stuff! *dances around* I <3 clothes. You know what else I love? Kathy! hehe. She made me laugh so hard today. I really needed that. *hugs* Then, I stole this survey from her. Read it cuz I'm tired of typing. Bye. :)

if you were [ _______], what would you be?
a flower? daisy
an animal? fluffy puppy
a fruit? apple
a vegetable?
a spice? cinnamon
a color? yellow
a bird? humming bird
are you left handed or right handed? right
are you smart? I can get by without any problems
whats your middle name? Ann
how many personalities do you have? 3 or 4 that i know of
how many piercings? 5 - two in each ear and my tongue
tattoos? 2
do you like v-8? *shrug*
what was your first word? mama?
are you superstitious? yes
do you read your horoscope? Yes
believe in that stuff? No, not really
Can you do a cartwheel? Used to, haven't tired in years
do you have bangs? Nope
do you have contact lenses? nope, I wear glasses
can you drive? Nope.
what do you drive? nothing
do you snore? No, but i've been known to moan
do you drool in your sleep? rarely
do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? i lick >:)
do you keep a journal? LJ
what languages do you know? English
do you like onions? Not raw, but i like them.
do you like cotton candy? Yep
what instruments can you play? none, rally
what words do you overuse? mostly curses
what do you sleep in? PJ pants and a tshirt
what's your bedtime? lately it;s somwhere between 1 and 4am
how many pillows do sleep on/with? 4
do you like to dance? sometimes
do you like to sing? yes
are you any good at it? never really been judged
do you like to talk on the phone? Yup
how many times have you moved? once, when I was two. We moved three blocks. :P
what do you think of chain letters? Bah! XP
do you like where you live? I like it here most of the time.
is your bedroom messy? I cleaned! :)
do you like your handwriting? Nah, it's messy
do you like to finger-paint? I haven't in a while.
What do you smell like? warm vanilla sugar
what do you put on hotdogs and hamburgers? just ketchup
do you sleep with socks on? always
are you shy? at times
do you talk to yourself? sometimes
is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories? 2
do you have a basement or an attic? neither
what flavor fluoride do you get at the dentist? whatever they give me
did you go to preschool? nope
are you a morning person? no way
do you have a friend that you wish wasn't? not really
who has the sexiest voice in the world? Hmm.. not sure.
who has the most annoying voice in the world? a girl i work with
Do you believe in reincarnation? meh
do you believe in ghosts? i guess
do you believe in bigfoot? sure, why not.
do you believe in the loch ness monster? sure, whynot.
what's your favorite feature (on yourself)? my eyes
what do you do when you're nervous? bite my nails, eat, get cranky
who's your role model? Grandma
what celebrities do you look like? no one I know of
what will/did you name your daughters? I probably can't have kids. :(
have you ever gone skinny dipping? nope
have you ever thought you were gonna die? yes
where's the farthest place you ever traveled? the Bahamas
Would you rather burn to death or freeze to death? freeze, i guess.
If you could change your name, what would it be? I like my name, but something less common, i guess.
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