Disney World

May 24, 2004 18:45

Alright, so Scott, Mary, Jeremy and I are planning a trip to Walt Disney World.. YAY!!!  We're going to be heading out to good old Florida July 30th through August 3rd.. it's going to be great!!!   We're going to be getting a really good deal, thanks to my Scottie.  He's got all the hook ups! :)  Thanks to Bart, Scott and I got our prom pictures last week.  They look AWESOME!!!  I have to admit, Scott and I make a REAL cute couple ;)  Not to brag or anything! :-D  He is such a sweetie.  Did I mention... I love him! :) hehe  Anyways, enough about my Scottie and I.  I really wish I could have come down to MTZ for the graduation, but things happened and I was unable to attend.  So, congrats all on graduating.... I had to go through that 2 years ago lol.  In 2 more years i'll be going through it again!!!  Insane how fast time goes by.  Well, I thought I'd just update this a little bit and let you all know what is going on in my life... if you cared lol!  Oh yeah, we finally got our money from POKER at post prom last week... I swear those people weren't going to ever send me my well deserved $45.  Thanks to Scott's mom, we got it!!!  Woohoo for Joyce!!!  Anyways, i'll update later I guess.  Have fun all and have a good day!

*Hugs* Melissa
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