Apr 01, 2008 21:31
I am in an unbelievably good mood right now, for two reasons! First, Chad called me tonight! Completely out of the blue. I hadn't talked to him on the phone, since before he left to go to Alberta, I missed hearing his voice. We've talked on MSN pretty much every single day since he's moved there.
The other reason why I'm in a good mood, I'm going to Calgary!! :D
Not moving there, I'm just going for a visit. May 2nd to the 7th. That's a Friday till Wednesday. But I am going to see about extending my trip by a few days, so I'll be there for a whole week. I've already bought my ticket but I think there was something about extending it. So I am going to look into it tomorrow.
Actually, my parents are paying for my ticket. I had to get my mom to purchase it since it required a credit card. The plan was to pay them back, but my dad said it was an early birthday present. Which is a relief because I was worried about not having any spending money for out there. I also found out that I am getting over $600 back from my taxes, which should help quite a bit. I have no idea what we are going to be doing for the week I am there. Chad mentioned going to Banff and going to the zoo, and having a bbq at his place.
Unfortunately since there isn't any room where he is staying. He's staying with his buddy, and his girlfriend and her two kids, plus there is another guy living there too. So I'm probably going to be staying in a hotel. Chad said that he would pay for it, but I was looking into it and it's fairly expensive. But we'll see.
I seriously can't wait!