Mexico, land of glorious Q words

Aug 12, 2007 16:35

This is the first time I've been to Mexico since I started playing tournament Scrabble, and since I've recently been studying the Q words, I'm noticing them everywhere I turn.

The smell of grilled corn tortillas wafts from every corner TAQUERIA, and my daughter's meal of choice here is the familiar QUESADILLA - though she much prefers the less flavorful version she gets back home (such a little YANQUI!).   On the way back from our sight-seeing today, we stopped at a convenience store, and I bought a can of what looked like grapefruit soda.  Turns out it also contained TEQUILA - and it was quite good, unlike the drink I tried the other day, PULQUE (made from slightly fermented maguey cactus juice, and once described to me as tasting "kind of like puke").

Our hotel is very near the BOSQUE of Chapultepec, a grand park where the castle of Emperor Maximiliano is located.  Inside the castle is a museum of Mexican history, and one of the exhibits showcased the costume of a typical  VAQUERO, including his CHAQUETA.    Also in the Bosque de Chapultepec is the National Museum of Anthropology, where we saw a beautiful headdress made from QUETZAL feathers, supposedly worn by Moctezuma.

On another excursion, we went to see the famed Diego Rivera murals in the presidential palace, which depict the history of the country from the days of the Aztecs to the arrival of the CONQUISTADOR, Hernan Cortez.  In nearly every Diego Rivera mural, one can find a figure resembling his QUERIDA, Frida Kahlo.

Of course, we've had many other experiences here not involving TWL-acceptable Q words!  We'll be here for four more full days, and I'll be keeping my eyes open for more. 
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