Jul 28, 2005 20:39
I had a good day today...:)
I was called a couple of days ago by the postmistress in the town I used to live in. I'm a term position in the post office in the town I live in now, but I haven't had any hours there in months...which sucks big time. Soo...I get this phone call from the Lebret postmistress, who asks if I can drop in and see what's what. I said sure...I could use the cash, and the experience. So the last two mornings I've popped over there for a couple of hours, on my own time...to learn the different procedures.
There is sooo much to know!
Thank god she wants me to come in a couple more times before throwing me in there by myself. I think I'm gonna have to make a bunch of notes to take with me and follow. Thing is...I'll never get this kind of experience at my current post office, cuz I'm just too low on the totem pole right now. So... in a couple weeks time, I'll be by my lonesome, working full hours for the postmistress while she's away...I hope I can do it...it scares me to death to fail at it...