Today I decided to visit
Hikki Texts to catch up on translations of Hikaru's Japanese blog. I completely melted over Kuma Chang! I seriously want that bear. I have always wanted a very large/life-sized teddy bear and Hikki's Kuma Chang really fits the bill. As she
pondered the reasons why the AU rainbow was reversed she discovered that
the Softbank rainbow is the same way. She also learned that lots of countries believe in a
treasure to be found at the end of the rainbow. Her drawings there are too cute! :3
What really floored me though was these pictures of Kuma Chang, its too cute!! Its not because it has anything to do with Arashi either!XD
Copied from Hikki Texts:
Monday, October 22, 2007
Beautiful thing: warm color version (a photo is uploaded. please check
her official site)
"Look at this Hikaru-chan This looks beautiful isn't it"
'Woow, it's beautiful, twinkling with various colors~. I mean, it's the
Arashi's concert goods isn't it? I was thinking I haven't seen it lately, so it was you who hid it wasn't it?'
"No This is mine"
'Oh, okay . . . How did you get it'
". . . Me picked it up"
8:01 PM Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Beautiful thing: cold color version (a photo is uploaded. please check
her official site)
"Me mean it Me picked it up Me picked it up It's mine Me don't give this to you"
1:42 AM