Wedding day.

Aug 28, 2009 22:15


Went to my cousin's wedding today in MK which was lovely. It was just me, my mum, and my grandad as my dad couldn't book any days off of work, neither could my brother, and my sister is still in California.

The ceremony was at 2pm but we got to my uncle's early and I made a new best friend - my 10 month old cousin! For some reason children seem to like me recently...but everytime she saw me she grinned so i grinned back and she kept giggling...and she made a lunge for my breast. Well, the wedding was a lovely little church wedding which went swimmingly, after that was the champagne reception, dinner, speeches, and a soirée. It was nice seeing some of the family though, it's been such a nice day today. The weather was a bit bad but luckily - and I say luckily - it only rained when we were inside the hotel for the dinner!

My uncle and aunt invited me over to their house in France for my 21st birthday this October for the weekend which I'm really looking forward to as I only really have to pay for the flight. They also invited Jason as well so hopefully he'll take them up on the offer ;) I'm certainly not saying no! I think I'm going to be quite a bit spoilt for my 21st - Rome and France haha!

I'm just waiting for Jason to get his arse here; he had his exam today back in Swanners which went well apparently. I knew it would. I kept telling him not to worry and that he should know that I'm always right.

france, l'arc en ciel, rome, california

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