Airport runs and morale support.

Aug 13, 2009 16:17

I woke up at 5am in order to see my sister and her friend off at Gatwick airport. They left for California this morning, whilst it was raining and windy! Luck or what?! My sister ended up getting herself all upset when they had to leave us to go to the departure lounge, bless her. She's going to really enjoy herself though :)

Well, I got home by 10:30am and crashed out until 1pm. I was so tired. However, a prospectus for SOAS arrived today (School of Oriental and African Studies for those who didn't know) so I'm looking at applying for the Japanese Studies course for my masters degree.It's also located quite close to home (in London) so I could quite easily commute. It sounds like a brilliant course though; it covers history, art, politics, literature, and most importantly - language.

My best friend/housemate broke up with her boyfriend yesterday. To be perfectly honest, I'm quite glad. She's ambitious and he only holds her back, as well as being an emotional blackmailer. He tried to talk to me yesterday over Facebook but I thought the best tactic would be to ignore him - I really don't want to get involved. I just told her that I'm there for her in whatever she does, I just hope she doesn't take him back as this would be the third time they've broken up and got back together.

I feel in the mood to watch Princess Mononoke but I think I left it at my house in Swansea...buggeration. I think I may watch Lord of The Rings again tonight.

holiday, japan, california, princess mononoke, rammstein, london, lord of the rings, japanese

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