
Feb 15, 2010 16:11

 I passed my January exams!
For the Medieval Life Cycle I got 61% for the exam and 60% for the assignment. Not as good as I had hoped but I was super ill when I wrote the assignment out. Not too bad for a subject that was pretty boring!
For the political history module I got 70% for the exam and 68% for the assignment! The comments were really nice as well; for the assignment, she said it was 'highly original and cleverly argued' - bam! Not bad for Enlightenment politics and philosophy :D Plus, I didn't realise the 'crap' I'd written on Machiavelli and Hobbes would amount to anything! I think Jason might secretly be annoyed considering he does politics and I'm better than  him ;) haha!

I've got to wait till 3.30 tomorrow for my special subject folder result. I'm praying and hoping it's in the 60s, just so I have a nice and comfortable average. My friend told me SSF only constitutes as 20 credits of the final grade so it's lowered my paranoia slightly. If it's lower than 60% I will ask about the mitigating circumstances form I filled out.

Giving a presentation on the Gesta tomorrow morning *sigh*. I'm preparing myself for a verbal barrage of abuse and disappointment but at least it'll be over and done with. I found out that our dissertation oral presentations are in May; a 10 minute presentation and 10 minutes of questions and answers, all on my dissertation subject. That's not going to be fun at all. It'll just consist of 'er. er. er. Fighting er. Islam. er.'

Well, I'll end up posting again tomorrow after the result of my SSF. 

exams, enlightenment, crusades, gesta francorum

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