Christmas/New Year...

Dec 31, 2008 08:52

Christmas was nice...And quiet...I had some hours from work available...So I took some time off, Christmas Eve up until the 29th...

Christmas Eve was nice...We went over to bec29 and AJ's for dinner...She made a yummy ham dinner...We exchanged presents and watched Psych and Monk...Holy heck was it snowing outside...In the whole time I've lived here I've never seen it snow quite like that...They got me a really cool present, a Netflix membership...I've always wanted to get one, but just never set it up...And now that its cold and I'm getting bigger...Its nice to have a constant influx of incoming entertainment...

Christmas Day was super relaxing...evwan and I woke up...Fed the pugs and gave them their Christmas toys/treats and then opened our presents...We spent the rest of the day lounging around and making our various phone calls/text messages...Then we had bec29 and AJ over for our Christmas tradition of breakfast for dinner...evwan made cinnamon scones, scrambled eggs, and ham steaks...It was REALLY good...We had a bunch of scones left over...So we took some over to the Nelson's and visited with them for a bit before heading home since evwan had to work the next day...

I spent the rest of my break doing bizarre chores that some might consider, "nesting."  I cleaned our bathroom...I vacuumed/dusted our room, organized my bedside table, organized my jewelry and got rid of stuff, and made a pile in my closet of clothes to donate...I picked up, dusted, and vacuumed our living room and dining room...And I still didn't finish the chores I wanted to...I meant to clean the other bathrooms and the kitchen...But all the other chores wore me out pretty good...

Had an appt. with the baby doc yesterday...Nothing too special or exciting to report...My glucose test is next month and I'm already dreading it...Hopefully I pass the first round and won't require additional bloodwork...

Looking forward to the New Year...Its going to be exciting finally being in the same year our baby will actually be born in...Makes his arrival seem less far off when the year he's being born in is the same year you're actually in...I expect the next few months to go by rather quickly...evwan and I are planning a party rather than a shower, cause I don't do showers for sometime in February...So we'll probably go register in January...We'll have some more things to do around the house and then I bet he'll be here before we know it...Craziness...

ev, christmas, william, friends, baby, daily

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