Jan 22, 2005 15:46
Well my first actual post and i am pleased to announce that i got my first preference for uni for which i am very VERY happy about but hopefully they accept my deferal so you'll all have to put up with me a little while longer. As for 'holidays' so far the open sores on my legs are testament to the amount of fun i had staying at my relo's place in queensland, in their backyard, in a tent(and not a very big one at that) in stinking hot weather, and yeah well der it's queensland you may say but i have the right to bitch as i was forced to go so keep me out of the whiny brat category for the moment at least. Anyway on a happier note there was the yayness that was my christmas pressie which was a pretty purple car radio thingy which does all sorts of stuff, i think, if it tried it could actually drive the car but i havn't tested this theory yet. Speaking of driving failed my p's the first time (poo poo to driving test man, ok maybe partly my fault) and have not yet worked up the courage or the funds to go again and am currently a jobless bum. Ordinarilly i would be proud of my joblessness but lack of money and the need for it is curently preventing me from enjoying this state of limbo where my parents pester me and everyone wants money and/or me to visit them which requires money (you can put me in the whiny povo brat category now) anyway have a job interview on monday which will hopefully fix things (reminds me should probably be typing up refrence instead of this but oh well) Yes so now all the random strangers out there are now up to date with my life because i'm too afraid to friends lock
this in case i don't have any friends (or have forgotten some people) anyway hope other people have had fantastic holidays and are doing fun stuff
P.S anyone know a quick guide on how to customise my LJ that won't take me 6 hours to read and understand? please?