Jun 16, 2018 07:00
- Fri, 12:45: Managing a stressful relationship keeps you busy now as you ba... More for Scorpio https://t.co/QszQCYK1dl
- Fri, 13:19: RT @ bellqbanita: #GH fans, Dom fans, Dante fans, Lante fans- Join us in a tweet fest honoring Dominic Zamprogna https://t.co/7lUba812Yc
- Fri, 13:23: RT @ USNCS: "I have so few memories of my mother and yet the choices she made have shaped my life in ways that I never even considered." Ale…
- Fri, 13:24: RT @ USNCS: If y'all don't do #Jarly, at least an affair, after all this stuff the last month or so, you should not ever be allowed to write…
- Fri, 13:26: RT @ Karrywood123: Summer of #CIN #DAYS https://t.co/sYXwdmB80f
- Fri, 14:44: RT @ CiaraandBen: 👀😏 #Cin #Days https://t.co/4IBrU1Xbys
- Fri, 15:34: RT @ CiaraandBen: Shout out to @ victoriakonefal for the delivery of this line 😂😂😂 That's right. You give that man ALL the sass, my girl 🙌…
- Fri, 15:34: RT @ WrecklessLove: "I tried to carry you and... you're a little heavy..." 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #Cin #Days https://t.co/kt0aJpk8Cv
- Fri, 16:51: RT @ smilecouples: RT if you love #Cin Let's see how popular CIARA & BEN already are. #Days https://t.co/dkupjFTs3t
- Fri, 16:57: RT @ twynk16: I don’t care what he did, I love him 🤷🏻♀️😍 #Cin #Days https://t.co/DixS5WteXo
- Fri, 17:06: #cin #days https://t.co/gvthcpQKn1
- Fri, 17:10: #cin #days https://t.co/VOSsrtO6bm
- Fri, 17:10: RT @ sweetieelaine2: OK all my fellow Cinners! @ MrRobertScott #Cin #Days Let's get the party started! Happy Friday y'all!! https://t.co/Gn…
- Fri, 17:16: #days #cin https://t.co/wrIV5CYL9a
- Fri, 17:19: RT @ USNCS: Wow, really really great stuff here with Alexis and Kevin. I applaud y'all for delving into Alexis' issues because of her mama.…
- Sat, 02:53: RT @ x_briannalynn_x: I can look at this pic all day and not find a single flaw 😍 He's flawless 😍 @ MrRobertScott https://t.co/1eLwZTDniD
- Sat, 02:55: RT @ TheMikeGoldberg: You are forgiven for your sins sweet Benny. Even when you were at your craziest, you stayed away from sweets and kept…
- Sat, 02:55: RT @ SoapSnark: Ci -ahhh-ra. I love you, Ben. Thank you for pointing out how you’ll say her name while banging her eventually. #Days https:/…
- Sat, 02:59: Saaaaaame 💯 https://t.co/JIJqbHUZph
- Sat, 03:03: RT @ luvchaphia233: preview - ciara and ben - demons #Cin #Days I might wait for more scenes or make this a short vid, not sure https://t.co…