Jun 13, 2018 07:00
- Tue, 12:45: You are capable of using your words like crowbars today, pryin... More for Scorpio https://t.co/QszQCYK1dl
- Tue, 15:15: RT @ Jls_ca: She knows how to build fan excitement. 😅 #Julexis Throwback #GH #NLGAppreciationDay https://t.co/EhEdP0S4BL
- Tue, 16:18: Because my faaaaave is is 🔥🤷🏼♀️ #NLGAppreciationDay https://t.co/pnX3881YUq
- Tue, 16:19: #NLGAppreciationDay she does so much with less the airtime 🤔😂 https://t.co/w1Uk17IUmg
- Tue, 16:20: #NLGAppreciationDay the feels she always brings it 💯 https://t.co/ynzyRK1XiC
- Tue, 17:27: RT @ bellqbanita: She has the best facial expressions and she speaks her mind. That's why I love @ NancyLeeGrahn. (Oh and she hates the orang…
- Tue, 17:47: The side eye 😂 🐶 https://t.co/PVPRaJ0eIS
- Tue, 17:58: RT @ HayleyErin: @ NancyLeeGrahn Love you and your girl, Payton lucked out getting you as her humans ♥️
- Tue, 18:19: RT @ RyanCarnes1: Yes, she is. You'll have to keep watching to find out 😊 https://t.co/gGqXuWEsBZ
- Tue, 19:00: Hmmm https://t.co/jzui2JAtLt