Dr. Tiller provided a service that he felt was moral. It was legal. He acted on his conscience.
Someone who didn't agree shot him.
That is the long and the short of what happened.
I have never shot a Klansman, though I think they're hateful rhetoric has been responsible for much suffering. If I were to do such a thing, I would go to jail. I should go to jail. What happened to Dr. Tiller is no different.
Someone who disagreed with his political views killed him. That person is not just a murderer. He is as much a threat to our way of life as someone who flies a plane into a building. He is a traitor. He has attempted to silence someone else's voice, deny him the right to believe as he believes and do what he thinks is morally right. He should be tried for treason.
andelku posts an essay from Open Salon about
some pretty horrifying reasons teenage girls might feel an abortion is better than having a baby. Of course, we know all teenage girls grow up with loving, helpful parents who don't abuse them (sexually or otherwise) and would take their best interests to heart when considering an unwanted pregnancy. I'm sure there's no one in this country or elsewhere who might beat or abuse a daughter who turned up pregnant. That just doesn't happen.