Hi Flist!!
I haven't updated my LJ for a while but now I'm ready to talk about things.
This past two weeks was the hardest two weeks in my life. My dad went to the doctor and the doctor said he found something that might be a cancer. We were shocked. A few days later the doctor did more tests and we had to wait ten days for the results. The waiting was the worst thing. My dad was pretending that he is strong and everything is gonna be alright but deep inside of course he was scared. We ( my mom,my brother and me ) tried to be strong but it was really hard you know I was crying alone when I was walking with my dog or I was crying when he didn't see me...
So ten days later we called the doctor and he said my dad does not have cancer!!!!!!! omg that was my best day ever!!!! we all cried but they were tears of joy. The doctor said my dad has to take pills and he will be fine :)
i'm making picspam...... so picspam post coming soon :D
I hope everyone is doing well!!
Oh yeah and I have twitter so you can follow me me if you want to :