
Apr 26, 2004 22:07

UGH~ I am in the WORST mood ever!!! I hate making decisons, I hate college.. everything is sooo stressfull!! my parents drive me insane!! They are telling me that I cant afford togoto college! WTH!! What am I going to do!! I have 5 days to decide my neext yeara nd ym parents are saying they dont have the money. And if they did where would I go?? Stockton??? Getting an apartment is liek out of the question... I mena who doesnt want to live alone??? Every teenager, but realisticlly how affordable is it?? I'll be working my bhind off forvere and a half and have zero fun and I can see it not working out. But I dont just want to live on campus there.. or do I. I hate everything. Why cant my future just be plainly there why do I have to go thru so much stess I have like 3 days to decide all this crap and I just dont even know anymore!
Tomorrow me and Liss are goin shoppin for an apt.. which I pray will work out!! maybe I am dreamin like my mom says.. but I really can invision me n liss with our own place... so I will pray! Ugh who knows. maybe we'll find the perfect place tomorrow... and everything will be great. And when cathy calls my mom everything will be perfect! I'm just gonna pray! Thats all there is!
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