Miss me????

Apr 17, 2004 22:20

It has been forever and a day since I have writen so bare with my and my horrible memory!  I'm just gonna give you the basics!

Softball-It's been going good!  Lady Falcs are currently 3-2!!  We beat undefeated Vineland and followed that up with a win over AC.  We're on a 3 game wining streak and I dont see us stopping anytime soon!  The baseball players are gonna be owing us some moolah!  We have a practice/picnic tomorrow afternoon and then a big game vs EHT (we're gonna win) on monday!

School- Major league seniorits has really been rockin my world.  Most of my teachers have been understanding to the senior fever.  Others just can't grasp the concept.. like Mr. DiPatri lol!!Oh well everything is good.  Have to memorize soem dumb lines from Hamlet by monday arg!!!

Senior Take Over Day-  The best day EVER!!  I was Mr. Anderson for the day.  I got to know what it was like to do nothing ALL day!  It's the greatest thing EVER in the entire universe!!  We walked around and made fun of people.. it was lovely!  He had a few classes that consisted of taking attendence and then walkin around and what not.  I cant wait to be a gym teacher!  We got to eat lunch with amy and Mr. Cohen, that was hilarious!  He bought my lunch and everything... the teachers have the greatest  lunches lol!  But it was seriously sooo much fun, I loved it!!

Rudy- A HUGE success!!!  Everything went perfect!  I had not one complaint, I loved it.  I'm soo thankful to the gazillion and one people who helped me!  It was truly amazing!  I even got a jersey during the assembly!  Yup a huge stress load that has been building up higher than imaginable has vanished!  yay!

College-Today!  I just got ACCEPTED to Stockton so looks like I'm goin there folks!  It's going to be absaloutly AMAZING!!!  Me & Liss are goin to share our very own apartment!  Yippe!!  It's been a very long process trying to figure out my future but this acceptance just did it!  Messiah is wonderful but very expensive, and Stockton has a great education program!  Ahh I'm soo excited!! Graduation is sooo close I can feel it!

Work- Just started at Nonnies today.  I LOVE it there.  Soo much fun workin with Lissa and makin the ice cream.  Its sooo great there.  After softball season I'll be there lots and lots!!  I cannot wait!!  The weather has been great too so I just love it all!

Tomorrows Agenda-Church..  I love my church everyone is soo nice and I love learning about God!!  It makes my week!  Then its over to youth group where we are learning about the res. of Jesus, it should be GREAT!!  Then I have softball/picnic it'll be fun since its gonna be nice out!  Then I'm goin the the circus!!! wooo hooo I cannot wait for that one!!  I LOVE the circus!!  Thanks 2 mr bott for scoring me some tix!!  It's gonna be loads and loads of funnness!!! yay!

And Basically that is whats goin on with me!!  I also have to get to workin on the SC memory book!  Thatw ill be VERY stessfull yet fun in the same.  That's my last major project for the year!  Yippeee!!

Well, I'm gonan go Relax yuppers!!  I'm def. gonna try and write a lil more often now!! hehe we shall see tho!
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