So, I brought my tabby cat to the vet this morning. He's had some crud on his chin that had also started on his neck, and I wanted to get it checked out (yes, yes, I worry too much. I know). TabbyCat is my very good sweet cat, with a pretty easygoing nature. He's always done all right at the vet before. (You can see where this is going, can't you?)
We get to the vet (same vet he's seen for 10 years) and get put in a room right away, and I give him some rubs, and he around over on the counter. He seemed fine. We probably waited 15 minutes or so. Then the vet comes in, and TabbyCat lets him check out his chin. But then he starts to comb, looking for fleas I guess, and TC starts to whine, and as soon as the vet tries to touch his tummy or his tail, TC *freaks out.* Slapping at us with his paws and *hissing* (he never hisses). I was just dumbstruck. He was absolutely having none of it. The vet took this better than I did -- we'll try a full exam again in a month or so when he has his regular annual visit -- but OH MY GOD. He was like a totally different cat.
We leave with oral steroids (the squirt in the mouth kind, much easier than a pill). My poor sitter gets to (attempt to) administer this while I'm at VVC. And as soon as I get home, he's FINE. He lets me pet him and touch his tail, no freaking out, he's my cat again. *shakes head* And I have a big scratch on my wrist to take to VVC. Lovely.
I did get some good news, though. My OtherCat takes medicine 3 times a week for anxiety (yes, I know, make all the KittyProzac jokes you can think of, but it stopped his peeing accidents). He's become increasingly difficult to pill over time. Sometimes he'll eat the pill pockets, sometimes not. But now they are making his medicine in a freakin' transdermal form, where instead of shoving a pill down his throat I just need to swab a little gel on the hairless part inside his ear. This is AWESOME. They are ordering it for me, so when I come back from VVC, no more pill-shoving! Yay!
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