escapade_jenn mentioned my sekrit methods of hooking up A/V equipment to the TV at the hotel, a few people have asked, so I thought I would make a few notes and share.
How to hook up personal audio video (A/V) equipment like a DVD player varies from hotel to hotel. The instructions that follow are mostly for devices like DVD players that have older connection options like
composite cable. These instructions won't work if you have a laptop with only HDMI output, for example.
Tube TV's
Some hotels with standard tube TV's have A/V inputs on the front or back of the TV that make it easy to simply hook up your equipment with a red/white/yellow (
also called composite or RCA) cable. Sometimes there's an AUX channel to which you set the TV tuner, or else the tuner should be set to channel 3 or 4 with the A/V device turned on, and your a/v device should work.
Hotels with no inputs -- like most of the TV's in the current Escapade hotel -- are more challenging. The first thing you will probably need, along with whatever A/V equipment you want to hook up, is an
RF modulator, because the only input on these ancient classic TV's is the coaxial cable (the kind that goes from the wall into the cable tv input --
like this one). So unless you have an A/V device that has a coaxial connection (unlikely unless the device is a VCR) you will need an RF modulator to connect your device to the TV. They're cheaper online, but you can also buy one at a Radio Shack or similar store.
You'll also need a separate coaxial cable; a
6 foot one should do nicely. You may also want to bring a standard extension cord of 10-12 feet, because the modulator, along with your device, needs power.
Some hotels don't like you disconnecting their cable, so they use nasty little security collars connecting the coaxial cable to the TV. If you are clever (like
killabeez !) you might be able to detach these critters using needlenose pliers, but the much easier way is to go is to
head over to e-bay and search for "RG-6 security tool." This is a tiny little specialized wrench that makes it very easy to detach a cable with the collar around it. You can get one on e-bay for less than $5 shipped.
Once you've detached the coaxial cable from the wall to the TV (or pay per view device attached to the TV), attach this cable to the input on the RF modulator. Attach your second coaxial cable from the output of the RF modulator to the coaxial input on the TV. Then connect your AV source to the modulator using your RCA cable. Plug in the RF modulator and you should be all set. Here's basically how the connections should work:
Turn on your A/V source and the TV, and one of the channels (usually 3 or 4) will generally detect the input from the RF modulator.
Watch to your heart's content. Be aware that hotel services like pay per view and check out may not work when you have the RF modulator connected.
When you're ready to leave, just disconnect everything, and make sure you reconnect the coaxial cable from the wall to the TV so the next guest has TV service.
Hotels with newer equipment like flatscreen TV's often have inputs on the side that make it easy to connect devices -- if you're in one of these, you're golden, and you can use nearly any modern device, whether it needs a composite,
component, or
HDMI input. Usually, you can just switch to the proper input using the remote.
Unfortunately some hotels have disabled inputs completely (in a ridiculous attempt to get you to buy their expensive pay per view movies instead) and getting around such restrictions on newer TV's is more difficult. Success will vary depending on the type of TV. Some real road warrior types have had success with universal remotes to change the TV input, if you have one and feel like traveling with it, although that won't work either if the inputs themselves have been physically disabled. Googling the brand of TV may help to find a solution, or ask in the
technology forum on FlyerTalk. If you run into one of these, complain about it, the louder the better, both in person at the hotel and using their corporate feedback link on their website or whatever. This kind of restriction is totally unreasonable in this day and age, and it's important for hotels to know how guests feel about this issue.
Hotels I've stayed at (or where I've visited someone's room) that allow personal A/V equipment to be connected to flat screens include Westin, Sheraton, Hilton and the Hotel Indigo (related to the Crowne Plaza/Holiday Inn brand), but it may vary from one property to the next. Hyatt Place specifically advertises friendliness with personal equipment, so it's probably a good choice if it's an option. Some Marriott hotels even have a "television jack pack" that are specifically input-friendly. If you have a choice of hotels for personal travel or for a larger con, just call and ask whether personal electronics can be connected to their TV's. It's a common enough request these days that hotel personnel should know what you're talking about.
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