May 15, 2009 11:55
Yay, my class situation got fixed. Phew! I was really worried, especially when I was looking into drop/add this morning and found out that drop/add ended last night at midnight. *headdesk*
I can tell I'm back in Florida. Went outside for about 5 minutes to dust/vacuum my car (it was at the shop while I was gone and now looks like new again!!) and am now completely soaked through. Super gross. I hate this place. So glad that we were all in love with Oregon. Titusville is slowly, person by person, relocating to Corvallis Oregon. Hopefully we will be there soon within two years. That's the plan, Stan.
List for myself of stuff I need to do today:
- Dust & vacuum car
- Go to CVS to pick up delicious Aleve Cold & Sinus
- Laundry
- Tidy room
- Finish unpacking bathroom stuff & clean bathroom
- Clean out dresser drawer
- Balance checkbook
- Move stuff from flash
- Resize pics
- Make Oregon post
- Watch Netflix
- Catch up on TV Shows
- Nails
- Change BJD clothes
- Finish Akhenaten and the Religion of Light
- Read Chapter 1 of Isis in the Ancient World
- Sociology work
- Make school schedule
- Schoolwork:
- YA Lit discussion board
- Mgmt discussion board #1
- Mgmt discussion board #2
- YA Lit online reading
- Mgmt online reading
- YA Lit makeup assn.
school: grad,