Huzzah! I'm home for a month! I haven't been home for a whole month in a really long time. I had a pretty good ride home. Left later than usual, but since it wasn't a weekday I didn't have to worry about traffic through Orlando, so that was pretty nice. I did see a pretty bad accident on 75, though. A car had flipped completely over. Wow.
Listened to the Battlestar Galactica season 1 soundtrack on the way home and have decided that it is definitely time to rewatch those DVDs. I think season 1 is my favorite of all the seasons so far (well, if you count season 2 as two different seasons, WHICH I DO, because season 2.1 and 2.2 or whatever really equals three damn seasons). You know, back in the good ol' days, when Boomer was still on the Galactica and Robo-Boomer and Helo were running around in Caprica and Apollo's jaw-grinding angst was usually over his dad (as opposed to HOOKERS) and Starbuck was too busy being totally awesome to have time to moon over some pyramid ball player.
In other news,
this has finally been updated after about three weeks of nothingness. Yaffa.
Oh, and
LOL (Snaaaaape! warning XD). I heart
Simply Potterific. Although I think
this one still remains my favorite.