Legs beware.

Jul 01, 2005 21:25

  Ride home uneventful... it was the Tallahassee part that was scary... once I got onto the interstate it was smooth sailing. When I was coming out of the parking lot of my apartment, some stupid guys in an SUV decided to ignore a stop sign and attempted to plow into me, but I was able to drive up onto the hill across the road and get out of their way. They just gave me these stupid looks. I hope it was an "OMG there was a car there and I didn't even see I just shit myself" looks and not "ha ha we almost ran into some girl lol" looks. But now I'm home safe and sound and very tired. My legs are all twitchy and weird after being crammed in the car for a long time. My knee has moved from mildly uncomfortable to edging on slightly ouchie. Going to try to go to the doctor's sometime this weekend about it, because that is not cool.

I've screwed up my knee. Katie hurt her ankle. Josh's roommate Aaron just had knee surgery. Amanda N. hurt her toe, and apparently Amanda N.'s sister also hurt her toe and dropped the bunny and hurt his toe.

It's not a good week for lower extremities. :( Everyone's lower extremities please get better soon. *sends love to legs*

plague, driving

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